Gli artisti Christian Lechelt e Hans Weishà¤upl hanno ricostruite le facce dei tredici più crudeli potentati degli ultimi tempi, partendo da gente comune:
Between November, 2007 and March, 2008, we took photographs of over 350 people in Hamburg, Munich, Vienna, Dresden, Frankfurt, Berlin, Amsterdam, Moscow, Belgrade, London, Barcelona, Paris and Milan. From them emerged the thirteen FACES OF EVIL, assembled from faces of people of the same ethnic origin as the according dictators. For example, the portrait of Hitler consists of 37 people. His nose belongs to an estate agent from Berlin, his upper lip to a locksmith in Dresden. His hair is put together from the hair of an artist in Weiden and a painter in Bamberg. The chin stems from a Hamburg restaurant owner, the eyes are those of a bank advisor in Frankfurt, the lachrymal sacks are from a precision mechanic in Bautzen, the throat is that of a Viennese banker, the beard belongs to a chef from Wuppertal… Every wrinkle, eyebrow and mole has been replicated true to the original so that it is possible to get a direct and close impression of every scar, nose hair, wide pore and other fine details.
Qui alcune foto.
“Il peggior inganno del diavolo è quello di persuaderci che egli non esiste.” (Charles Baudelaire)
Guardarli negli occhi mi fa un effetto strano..non di paura…forse è la sofferenza che ci sta dietro…non so…
Certo è che con nessuno di loro, anche se avessero altri nomi, uscirei per andare nel bosco…