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Come sono importanti i “leak”, cioè il passaggio di documenti riservati al pubblico si vede anche da questo caso.

The document, which was leaked to a Colorado beekeeper, shows that the EPA has ignored warnings about the use of clothianidin, a pesticide produced by Bayer that mainly is used to pre-treat corn seeds. The pesticide scooped up $262 million in sales in 2009 by farmers, who also use the substance on canola, soy, sugar beets, sunflowers, and wheat< "Clothianidin’s major risk concern is to nontarget insects (that is, honey bees). Clothianidin is a neonicotinoid insecticide that is both persistent and systemic. Acute toxicity studies to honey bees show that clothianidin is highly toxic on both a contact and an oral basis. Although EFED does not conduct RQ based risk assessments on non-target insects, information from standard tests and field studies, as well as incident reports involving other neonicotinoids insecticides (e.g., imidacloprid) suggest the potential for long-term toxic risk to honey bees and other beneficial insects."

In pratica l’EPA (L’United States Environmental Protection Agency è il principale ente di protezione ambientale degli Stati Uniti. Tra i suoi scopi rientra anche la protezione della salute umana) ha nascosto le prove della dannosità  del Clothianidin (uno dei neonicotinoidi) e tutto’ora negli Stati Uniti sono usati, mentre (tardi) qui sono vietate. Con divieto in proroga, per ora, che forti sono me lobby.

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