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Internet cafes were closed down. Both MPT ISP and Myanmar Teleport ISP cut down internet access in Yangon and Mandalay since this morning. The Junta try to prevent more videos, photographs and information about their violent crackdown getting out. I got a news from my friends that last night some militray guys searched office computers from Traders and Sakura Tower building. Most of the downtown movement photos were took from office rooms of those high buildings. GSM phone lines and some land lines were also cut out and very diffficult to contact even in local. GSM short message sending service is not working also. Burma is blacked out now!

-The soldiers, riot police, “Swann Arr Shin” (plains clothes policemen) and thugs who’ve just been sprung from prisons (given shorter sentences, if they agree to hurt innocent protesters) are reported to be beating people to death with clubs (to try to kill them silently). They are trying to reduce the number of shots being heard.

-Witnesses say some hotels were raided by soldiers and police and the guests’ cameras and laptops were checked for photographs of the recent events. I’m not sure if they took anything. e flickr

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un commento

  1. Aldo 29 Settembre 2007

    I conflitti dilagano nel mondo, la macchina mediatica funziona a pieno regime. Cosa bolle in pentola?

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