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Brevettiamo a tutto spiano

Mai era cos’ facile di brevettare qualunque cosa. Un metodo in qualche modo nuovo per allevare maiali? Una procedura sicura per fare la figura di un imbecille? Intanto fai il brevetto poi magari prendi soldi da quelli che lavorano veramente. Purtroppo anche i nostri governanti G8 pensano che lo sviluppo e il benessere sarà  collegato a brevetti, marchi e diritti d’autore:

37. We welcome the joint Declaration of the business communities of all G8 countries on “Strategies of G8 Industry and Business to Promote Intellectual Property Protection and to Prevent Counterfeiting and Piracy” which highlights actions companies are taking to secure their intellectual property rights at home and abroad and to keep their global supply chains free of pirated and counterfeit goods – from producers and distributors, retailers and merchandisers. Industry and business have an essential role to play in protecting innovation, an d we will engage our respective private sectors on effective solutions with regard to both the supply and the demand side of piracy and counterfeiting. We also welcome educational campaigns with the help of business communities in our countries directed at raising awareness of consumers with regards to the negative effects of counterfeiting and piracy.

34. A fully functioning intellectual property system is an essential factor for the sustainable development of the global economy through promoting innovation. […]


Il contadino invece pensa di no. Qui la petizione.

2 commenti

  1. Vince 16 Giugno 2007

    Ah Ste, perchà© non brevettiamo l’acqua calda ? Scommetto che non ci ha mai pensato nessuno. Dà i che facciamo i miliardi…!

  2. Il seminatore 20 Giugno 2007

    Al diavolo la proprietà  intellettuale!

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