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Far finta

Forse vi ricordate la storia della multa giornaliera di due milioni minacciata a Microsoft dalla commissione EU? Sui giornali si legge che Microsoft avrebbe dato il codice sorgente per soddifare la comissione. Il contadino ha trovato nel akregator (che il nuovo lettore per i feed sotto linux) un post al riguardo. Vista da dietro le quinte non hanno mica dato niente, mettendolo a disposizione (a pagamento):

This is a real hoot. Of such proportion that it isn't actually funny. Microsoft has produced 12000 pages of documentation until now. An expert picked from a list of experts proposed by Microsoft has deemed that documentation as insufficient. Now they add the source code to it. Hell. They even add 500 hours of support! If you sign the license, that is. Will that make it better? Ofcourse not. If 12000 pages of documentation cannot explain a bunch of server protocols, any amount of source code and any amount of support will not make it clear either. As a matter of fact, if 12000 pages of documentation cannot explain to you how it works, I don't even have to see the source code in the first place because I can almost guarantee you that it is a horrible mess. Let me get this straight. The EU Commission orders Microsoft to hand over clear documentation. They hand over documentation, but it's incomprehensible, so no one can follow it. The EU Commission threatens to fine Microsoft $2.4 million every day until it complies, so instead of complying, Microsoft throws some code on the table and says, figure it out yourself. No documentation. For a fee. Have I got that right?


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